
PEETER LAURITS (This article was firstly published in Müürileht, May 2021) Some time in the antiquity the male human began dominating the world view – as a hero, conqueror and usurper. This was also encouraged by the monotheism borrowed from the Semites. The man that god created was indeed a man, there are no feminine…

You might get the impression nowadays that science can answer every question. But art sometimes answers questions no one has managed to ask. If we combine art and science, then under favourable conditions a vortex will appear which will thoroughly change our intellectual climate and dethrone our fossilised thought patterns. And this is why the…

Timothy Morton is a radical, playful and unpredictable philosopher. His ideas on the environment, art, climate change and ecology are hot, dynamic and astonishing. They bravely consider the end of the world, which should be welcomed with open arms, instead of fear. But not by way of destruction of the biosphere, apocalypse or general degeneration,…

A flashback to spring 1995 in Berlin – the first UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has assembled, the topics mainly include procedural guidelines for the brand new panel, but the participants are quietly starting to realise that the contributions and responsibilities of different states are not always adequate with regards to the response to…